How to Apply Slideshow Themes
Use Themes to Add Uniqueness to Your Slideshows

Slideshows are a great option if you’re thinking of an original, non-conventional present for your friend or for your significant other, for your parents or kids. There are multiple ways to make your slideshow look unique: distinctive photos, picturesque transition effects and, of course, various slideshow themes. A properly chosen theme for a slideshow can magically transform even an average set of photographs into a stylish professional-looking photo movie. This article describes how to select themes for slideshow, how to apply them, and also suggests several tips to make your themed slideshow look great.
How to Choose a Background Theme for a Slideshow
Depending on the theme of the event, you should pick different slide themes. Let’s take a look at slide decoration themes that come with SmartSHOW. This slideshow builder offers a rich choice of thematic backgrounds that can be used to realize virtually any creative idea. Over 130 themes available in the program are split into 15 categories. Birthday, nature, vacation and travel, Christmas, modern and oriental style themes will apparel a slideshow yet require merely a few clicks to apply.

So, how to select an appropriate theme? That’s easy if your project is devoted to a certain event. Creating a New Year greeting card? Select winter themes or themes with Christmas symbols then. Is it going to be a wedding slideshow? The theme should obviously reflect this as well.
Choosing Decoration for Slideshow Greeting Cards
When the slideshow is devoted to a certain celebration, it is more or less easy to select a background theme for it. However, a bit more creativity might be required when there is no special cause. A greeting card for a friend, or a romantic love message should rely and be based on the personality of the addressee in the first hand. SmartSHOW offers a range of slide themes for these cases too. Your friend is fond of sports cars? Choose themes with racing muscle wheels on the background. For a wedding anniversary slideshow or a love expression movie choose mild, romantic slideshow themes: flowers, nature, wine, wedding rings, kitties and so on. Always consider the preferences of your spouse, his or her personality and character when selecting a decoration for the slideshow.

How to Add a Themed Background to Slides
Adding a theme to a slideshow in SmartSHOW slideshow creator is a matter of a few seconds. First, switch to the Themes tab in the main window of the program. All slideshow decoration themes are divided into 15 categories. Choose a category in the dropdown list to display all themes under it. Select the theme you want and click the Apply button below to add the theme to the slideshow.
Note that different themes provide different photo frame position and layout. Some themes feature typical horizontal layout, while others offer vertical or arbitrary shaped layouts. In order to make each photo ideally displayed in the frame, you may need to adjust the position of the image. To do this, double-click the slide you want to modify and adjust the scale and the position of the photo so that it fits the theme frame using simple drag-and-drop operation. Make sure all important elements of the photo are visible and are not obscured by the frame parts. Save the changes made.
Sometimes you may also need to disable the entire theme for certain slides of the movie. Indeed, you may want to display the most important photos of your slideshow uncropped and full-scale. To do this, right-click the slide where you want to disable the slideshow theme and uncheck the Show theme option.

Themed slideshows always look great if done well. SmartSHOW offers a fantastic choice of slideshow backgrounds of any kinds and for virtually any cause, and applying them is extremely easy just like everything else is in this program. Try this slideshow app for free right now!